When logging in for the first time, the game will guide you through the character creation process. Your first step is to choose a name, this will be your main identifier for other players and cannot be changed later.
Race and Class Selection
In Chronicles of Arcadia, there are three races to choose from:
Each race influences your character’s appearance. Within each race, you can select one of six different classes, each specializing in a specific combat role:
Tank – Absorbs damage and protects allies
Healer – Restores health and supports the team
Melee DPS – Deals close-range damage
Ranged DPS (Physical) – Attacks from afar with weapons like bows
Ranged DPS (Magical) – Uses spells for damage at a distance
For detailed class descriptions, check out the Class Guide.
Gender and Appearance
You can choose to play as a male or female character. This choice is purely cosmetic and can be changed later using Diamonds (in-game currency). Character appearance customization is also available during creation and can be modified later.
Humans – Begin in the Howling Mountains, which connects to the rest of the world
Dwarves – Start in Yrvandis Hollows
Upon entering the game, you’ll meet an NPC based on your race who will guide you through introductory quests to help you understand the game’s mechanics.
Only dwarves can do all quests in Yrvandis Hollows!
Instant Level 91 Boost
If you are already familiar with the game mechanics, you can instantly boost one of your classes to level 91 by speaking to Johnny Dalker.
Location: Varanas, Eye of Wisdom
Reward: Free Level 91 Gear & Tier 13 Weapon
This option is NOT recommended for new players. Boosting to level 91 skips all early-game content, including tutorial quests and gradual skill progression. If you are new to the game, it’s strongly advised to level up naturally to understand combat, mechanics and class synergy. Use this feature only if you know how to play your class effectively!
Secondary Class Selection
At level 20, you can select a secondary class, which allows for a class combinations. For more information, see the Guide.
Maximum Level & High-Level Content
The maximum level is 105.
Upon reaching Lost Island of Atlantis, you’ll find NPCs that help enhance your gameplay experience.
Movement in Game
You can move your character using:
WASD keys or both mouse buttons simultaneously.
Auto-follow another player/NPC: Press the “” key (default).
Autorun: Press INSERT (default).
Sit/Stand: Press X (default).
To customize your controls:
Open the Menu → Hotkeys.
Click on the action you want to change.
Press a new key to reassign it (it will turn green).
Click OK to save changes.
User Interface Overview
The game’s interface is customizable and supports addons to enhance appearance and usability.
Chat – There you can see everything player write in World chat, Guild chat, Party chat, Whisper chat and Combat chat. You can arrange it, as you want to. It is also possible to create private channels.
In this area you can see your health, mana, energy, focus, rage and psi bar. The number is showing you on which channel you are currently playing. With a click on it, you can change the channel.
Minimap – This window is showing you the map in a small version. The buttons around each have a different function. The gift for example will lead you to the Item Shop.
Experience – This bar will show your progress towards the next level.
Skill bars – In these bars you can put all the skills you need. They can be extended in the settings.
Menu – These buttons are the Bag, Settings, Teleport and Rental Functions.
Where to get Beginner Weapons
Beginner Package
Varanas, Eye of Wisdom
Johnny Dalker
Free Level 91 Gear & Tier 13 Weapon upon class boost
Andor Training Range
Lost Island of Atlantis, Atlas
Kate Wesker
Certificates (exchange for Gorge of the Ice Giants Tier 14 weapons) – lasts 3 days
Weapon Rental
Lost Island of Atlantis, Atlas City
Royal Knight Jovena
Tier 14 Realm of the Forgotten Legends weapons (7 days) – Cost: 500 Diamonds
Daily Activities & Endgame Content
If you've hit max level or just don’t feel like questing, here are daily activities to keep you engaged: