The quests for the Level 60 Elite Skills begin with a Mail to go and speak with Daris at the Varanas Class Hall.
Adventurers’ Guild Advancement Notice
Find Laath Tawan at the Windmill in the South-West of Silverspring.
Friendship Test
Speak with Flora in Varanas Lower City East and fulfill her Quest:
Focus of the Flowers
Bring back a Snowpearl Flower and Apple Flower
Both you can find in the North of the Bridge towards Ravenfell
You can choose one of the Flowers as Reward and Equip it
After completing Floras Quest, you have to fill the Flower amulet. If you chose the Snowpearl Flower, you will need Apple Flower Gel x20 and if you chose the Apple Flower, you will need Snowpearl Flower Gel x20. You need a friend that has already matured their amulet to harvest the gel you need. Important: You can only have 1 of the Gel in you backpack. If you take more out of the mail, it will get deleted!
Courage Test
Talk to Parma Liort in the Obsidian Stronghold Crafting Square and get the Quest
Heart without Fear
Bring 3x Frost Crystal Sand, 3x Fairywood Timber and 3x Heart of Bravery from Manticores in Aotulia Volcano to Parma Liort to receive a Beacon of Courage.
Kill 3 world bosses and use the Beacon of Courage on them to receive a Proof of Valor or buy them in the Item Shop.
Bring the 3 Proof of Valor to Laath Tawan to receive your Elite Skill for your current class and a Proof of Progress, which you can use to receive your Elite Skill for one other class.
Beware: Only using Proof of Progess gives you your Elite Skill for your current class combination, but doesn't grantee to get or start the Quest chain for Elite Level 70. That for the Quest chain for Elite Level 60 has to be finished.
Level 70
Again you will receive an Mail to go to Daris in Varanas Class Hall. She will send you to Votakai in Chrysalia.
Young instructor of the true dragons
Talk to Votakai and answer some questions.
Elemental Flow
A little wish before sleepwalking
Go to the Fallen Throne of Embers in Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan and find Norhonsar [20.6/62.6]. Go back to Votakai.
Protect “Sleepwalking”
Get 30 x Proof of Protection by defeating enemies.
You can buy the Proofs either in the Item Shop or complete the quest on normal way.
For the normal way you have to kill Elementals and then talk to Norhonsar to get a Proof of Protection x 1. The Residual Elemental Power, which has 1 hour cooldown, will increase with each kill until it reaches 10 stacks.
When you get a Proof of Protection, you receive a debuff called Froth of Reconciliation with a 1-hour cooldown. You have to wait for it to disappear to be able to continue. This means this quest will take minimum 30-hours to complete.
Protect Norhonsar while he casts a spell.
Votakai’s Wish
Take the Dragon Soul’s Vigor to the Port of Lechif Harbor [16.4 , 64.6] and the Lighthouse [55.6, 85.0] in the Kingdom of Lechif. When you are done, go to the Crystal Pedestal at the Sanctuary of Balance in Chrysalia.
Dragon Soul’s Reward
Talk to Votakai.
You don’t have to do the level 60 and level 70 Elite Skill Quests again. You can get the Skills by talking to the NPC again.