Season 1 Changes
New seasons bring changes and additions to the game. For Season 1, these changes include the reset of Courage Coin currency, Prestige progress, and benefits. New Prestige subscription types and benefits have been introduced, along with updates to the Prestige store and intermediate rewards. Benefit prices have also been adjusted to reflect their popularity.
Currency and Progress Reset
- Courage Coin Currency: Reset at the start of Season 1.
- Prestige Progress and Benefits: Reset at the start of Season 1.
- Purchased Courage Coin Currency: All Courage Coin currency purchased with diamonds has been saved.
New Prestige Subscriptions
Two new Prestige subscription types have been added:
The main difference between these subscriptions is the availability of new benefits. To purchase new subscriptions, use the in-game store to acquire a Prestige Pass.
New Benefits (20 Total)
Prestige (Gold & Platinum Pass)
- Prestige Boost Accelerator: Receive +X minutes to an active boost when completing daily Prestige quests (manual and auto-completion).
- Courage Coin Subscription: Receive X Prestige currencies daily.
Cells (Gold & Platinum Pass)
- Wardrobe Magic Expander: Increases the available number of magic wardrobe cells by X.
- Partner Bag Expander: Increases the available number of cells in the partner's bag by X.
- Transport Book Expander: Increases the available number of teleport book cells by X.
Social (Gold & Platinum Pass)
- Harmony of Hearts: Increases the relationship experience by +X% (active for both partners).
- Love Bridge: Allows teleportation to your partner X times a day for free.
Craft & Gathering (Platinum Pass)
- Rune Economy: Craft without using crafting runes.
- Resource Locator: Displays the location of resources on the world map.
Housing (Gold & Platinum Pass)
- Plant Shield: Protects 100% of plants from wilting.
- Energy Boost: Provides X energy for your home once a week.
- Hospitable Landlord: Increases the available number of furniture cells by X units.
Care (Platinum Pass)
- Aura of Rebirth: Respawn without losing hero effects.
- Immortal Experience: Reborn without the debt of experience.
- New Dawn: Reborn at the beginning of the dungeon if you die in dungeons.
- Exploration: Displays elite monsters and bosses' locations on the global map (open world only).
- Loot Collector: Allows the pet to collect loot from slain monsters for X minutes; the last level allows unlimited time.
Auction House (Gold & Platinum Pass)
- Auctioneer: Offers X Free Gold Auction House Promotions per month (Maximum Length of Promotion Time: 7 days).
Utility (Platinum Pass)
- Priority Mail: Letters are delivered in priority order and highlighted; players receive notifications when sending and receiving emails.
- Magic of Conversion: Use a magic converter without using cores X times.
Prestige Store
A new store for Prestige currency has been added to the main menu of Prestige. The store offers unique items for sale, helping to speed up monster card improvements and Prestige progress.
Intermediate Rewards
Intermediate rewards for Prestige level upgrades have been completely changed. Players will now receive items sold in the Prestige store, allowing better familiarity and gameplay diversity.
Benefit Prices
Benefit prices have been adjusted to reflect their popularity. Prices will change dynamically each season based on their value.