Orkham, a level 105 instance in Chronicles of Arcadia, stands as a testament to the shadow's malevolent grip over what was once a bustling city. Located in the north of Talaghan, near Dark Core , Orkham serves as a pivotal battlefield in the ongoing war against darkness.
Entry Requirements
To access Orkham, players must complete a series of four quests, with one being a prerequisite for entry. Also the main questlines in Talaghan and Talaghan Skies need to be finished.
Piercing the Gloom (428289)
Mechanisms of the Void (428290)
Echoes of Orkham's Darkness (428291)
Dawn of Orkham's Rebirth (428292)
Orkham is situated in the northern reaches of Talaghan, casting a dark shadow near the infamous Dark Core instance. Its proximity to such a malevolent area hints at the dire events unfolding within its walls.
Dungeon Details
The Sewer Sentinel: Found in the deteriorated sewer system of Orkham, this boss challenges adventurers on a squared platform. Once a functional part of the city, the sewers have become a toxic wasteland and inhabits creatures that thrive in the darkness, including this formidable boss.
The Crystal Commander: Located in a corrupted mine filled with crystals, this former mine commander has succumbed to corruption. The high power levels required to defeat this boss indicate the severe impact of the shadow's influence on Orkham's inhabitants.
The Heart of Darkness: The final boss represents the core of the corruption. Confronting this entity requires understanding the balance between light and dark, and the adventurer's role in restoring this equilibrium.
Corruption System
With Orkham Chronicles of Arcadia gains the Corruption System. With it, you can shuffle dynamic stats on weapons.